how to use: 臉部清潔後,取出眼膜貼敷于眼部周圍及眼角位置,以手指輕壓服貼於眼部,靜待約10〜20分鐘,讓肌膚充分吸收眼膜貼中的精華,取下眼膜貼,以指腹輕拍或按摩眼部幫助吸收,不需用水清洗。 After cleansing, prepare your skin with toner and remove white film from the gel sheet. Put the sheet on the eye areas and remove fabric on the gel sheet. Put the sheet of eye hole under eye area for more intensive care. Remove the patch 10~20 minutes later and pat lightly until fully absorbed. (Wrinkle around eye )